Data contained in the HandData directory: JointAngles: *.mat files with 26D joint angle vectors ViconMarkers: *.csv files with 3D positions of 26 markers Kinematic model for the 26-dimensional joint angle data (*.mat files): Joint name Local axis Value 1: "pose" X (global translation axis) Value 2: "pose" Y (global translation axis) Value 3: "pose" Z (global translation axis) Value 4: "pose" X (global rotation axis) Value 5: "pose" Y (global rotation axis) Value 6: "pose" Z (global rotation axis) Value 7: "LeftHandThumb1" Z (local rotation axis) Value 8: "LeftHandThumb1" X (local rotation axis) Value 9: "LeftHandThumb2" X (local rotation axis) Value 10: "LeftHandThumb3" X (local rotation axis) Value 11: "LeftHandIndex1" Z (local rotation axis) Value 12: "LeftHandIndex1" X (local rotation axis) Value 13: "LeftHandIndex2" X (local rotation axis) Value 14: "LeftHandIndex3" X (local rotation axis) Value 15: "LeftHandMiddle1" Z (local rotation axis) Value 16: "LeftHandMiddle1" X (local rotation axis) Value 17: "LeftHandMiddle2" X (local rotation axis) Value 18: "LeftHandMiddle3" X (local rotation axis) Value 19: "LeftHandRing1" Z (local rotation axis) Value 20: "LeftHandRing1" X (local rotation axis) Value 21: "LeftHandRing2" X (local rotation axis) Value 22: "LeftHandRing3" X (local rotation axis) Value 23: "LeftHandPinky1" Z (local rotation axis) Value 24: "LeftHandPinky1" X (local rotation axis) Value 25: "LeftHandPinky2" X (local rotation axis) Value 26: "LeftHandPinky3" X (local rotation axis) Format of the marker position data (*.csv files): First a header with metadata, then in each line comma-separated values containing frame index and three positional values (X,Y,Z) for each marker Types of tracked hand motions: General Movements: general hand movements that cover large parts of the hand's natural degrees of freedom Trial 01: flexion of all fingers simultaneously / closing hand Trial 02: abduction / splaying out the fingers Trial 03: touching the thumb with every finger Trial 04: flexion of the fingers (open -> closed) Trial 05: flexion of the fingers (closed -> open) Trial 07: miscellaneous movements and gestures Trial 08: miscellaneous movements and gestures Interaction: movements with object interactions -- grasping motions (power grasps, precision grasps), other interaction movements (handling of pens, jar lids, paper, smartphone) Trial 01: closing a big jar (large twist motion) Trial 02: closing a small jar (small twist motion) Trial 03: grasp movements (precision grasp und power grasp) Trial 04: grasp movements with a small object (power grasp) Trial 05: grasp movements with a small object (precision/power grasp) Trial 06: grasping and holding of a pen (precision grasp) Trial 07: interaction with a smartphone Trial 08: folding a piece of paper, flattening with one finger Trial 09: folding a piece of paper, flattening with all fingers Sign Language: various sybmols from the American Sign Language Alphabet Trial 02: N/A Trial 03: N/A Trial 04: N/A