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© Saskia Molewicz/TU Dortmund
Graphics & Geometry Group Graphics & Geometry


Publishing software and datasets is getting more and more important to ensure reproducibility of research artifacts. This page lists larger open-source software packages where the Graphics & Geometry Group is actively involved in the development process. Code and data for individual research papers can be found on the publications page.

Polygon Mesh Processing

PMP is a modern C++ open-source library for processing and visualizing polygon surface meshes. Its main features are (i) an efficient and easy-to-use mesh data structure, (ii) standard mesh processing algorithms, (iii) ready-to-use visualization tools, (iv) seamless cross-compilation to WebAssembly.

Authors: Daniel Sieger, Mario Botsch, and more
Links: Code

Laplacians for Polygons & Polyhedra

Software framework for computing discrete differential operators (gradient, divergence, Laplace) on general polygonal surface meshes and polyhedral volume meshes. Includes implementations of several papers, several example applications, and various quantitative tests for comparing the different approaches.

Links: Code


Decker is an open-source software framework for generating, presenting, and publishing HTML-based interactive scientific talks, lecture slides, and course notes. Its two main ingredients are pandoc and reveal.js.

Links: Code