To Stylize or not to Stylize? The Effect of Shape and Material Stylization on the Perception of Computer-Generated Faces
Virtual characters contribute strongly to the entire visuals of 3D animated films. However, designing believable characters remains a challenging task. Artists rely on stylization to increase appeal or expressivity, exaggerating or softening specific features. In this paper we analyze two of the most influential factors that define how a character looks: shape and material. With the help of artists, we design a set of carefully crafted stimuli consisting of different stylization levels for both parameters, and analyze how different combinations affect the perceived realism, appeal, eeriness, and familiarity of the characters. Moreover, we additionally investigate how this affects the perceived intensity of different facial expressions (sadness, anger, happiness, and surprise). Our experiments reveal that shape is the dominant factor when rating realism and expression intensity, while material is the key component for appeal. Furthermore, our results show that realism alone is a bad predictor for appeal, eeriness, or attractiveness.
Obtaining 3D Scenes
We make our 3d scenes available for academic research purposes. However, as human face is very personal, we only send the data to approved researchers and ask you to use this data only in appropriate context (no sexual or degrading context, no explosions etc.). To obtain a copy, please send an email to Prof. Mario Botsch stating
(1) your name, title, affiliation
(2) your intended use of the data
(3) a statement saying that you accept the following terms of licensing:
The rights to copy, distribute, and use the data you are being given access to are under the control of Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch. You are hereby given permission to copy this data in electronic or hardcopy form for your own scientific use and to distribute it for scientific use to colleagues within your research group. Inclusion of rendered images or video made from this data in a scholarly publication (printed or electronic) is also permitted. In this case, credit must be given to the publication: To Stylize or not to Stylize? The Effect of Shape and Material Stylization on the Perception of Computer-Generated Faces. However, the data may not be included in the electronic version of a publication, nor placed on the Internet. These restrictions apply to any representations (other than images or video) derived from the data, including but not limited to simplifications, remeshing, and the fitting of smooth surfaces. The making of physical replicas this data is prohibited, and the data may not be distributed to students in connection with a class. For any other use, including distribution outside your research group, written permission is required from Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch. Any commercial use of the data is prohibited. Commercial use includes but is not limited to sale of the data, derivatives, replicas, images, or video, inclusion in a product for sale, or inclusion in advertisements (printed or electronic), on commercially-oriented web sites, or in trade shows.
Related Publication
To stylize or not to stylize? the effect of shape and material stylization on the perception of computer-generated facesACM Transaction on Graphics 34(6), (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 2015